Meet the Team: 10 Things About Rachel

Revd Rachel Greaves-Brown is joining St John's Hoxton as our Associate Vicar from the end of July. Rachel has just completed her curacy at a church in Hendon, and is recently married to Andy, a Vicar in Chelmsford. Rachel will work with St John's from Sunday to Tuesday each week, and as well as helping to lead our worship on Sundays, she will take special responsibility for pastoral care and mental health support. We asked her some questions to get to know a bit about her...

  1. What's your favourite food?
    It depends what mood I’m in, I love all sorts of cuisines but my guilty pleasure is chicken nuggets, chips and beans and co-op salt and vinegar crisps!
  2. What's your dream holiday?
    In the Caribbean sat on a beach on a sun-lounger sipping a pina colada!
  3. Tell us about your favourite book(s)
    Of course the bible features, and my favourite Old Testament book in the bible is Ecclesiastes and my favourite New Testament book would be John’s gospel. I love short stories and in particular Tolkein’s ‘The Tree and Leaf’ which speaks of a painter who spends his life painting a picture that nobody (including his neighbour) thinks is any good, but when he dies and later his neighbour and they meet in heaven, the tree that the painter has been painting his whole life is there alive, but amazingly transformed. This story speaks to me of how God values the motivation behind what we produce and with Him, he can turn our efforts into something beautiful. I also love the Alexander McCall Number one Ladies Detective Agency books.
  4. What difference has Jesus made in your life?
    Everything! I grew up in a Christian family and I consciously gave my life to Christ when I was 3 years old, but drifted during my teens and it wasn’t until I went to university that I realised I needed to own my faith for myself. Since then, my journey with Jesus has taken me along a path I would have never have chosen or picked for myself (ordination) but I’m so thankful that Jesus’s plan for my life has been way better than mine!
  5. Marmite: love it or hate it?
    LOVE it!
  6. Tell us something you think is unusual, funny or surprising about you - maybe a story or a weird habit.
    I have always wanted to learn to make shoes and in 2019 I did just that!
  7. What makes you thankful?
    Since the pandemic I’ve been trying to practice thankfulness everyday, to thank God for things that it can be easy to take for granted, like having hot water and electricity, family and friends.
  8. Who or what is precious to you?
    My husband, family and friends and having introvert time waking up slowly with a mug of tea!
  9. What's your favourite song / band / album / genre of music?
    I have quite an eclectic taste in music, from classical, opera, 1940s Big Band, Motown, reggae, indie/alternative, country etc… if it has a good beat, chances are I’ll dance to it!
  10. Tell us your favourite passage of Scripture and why you it’s important to you.
    Two bible verses were given to me when I was ordained deacon: ‘The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”’ (Deuteronomy 31:8, also quoted in Hebrews 13:5)
    And then also: ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.’ (Proverbs 3:5-6) 
    Knowing that I’m never alone, whatever I will face in life, and that my value and worth as a human being isn’t based on my abilities, but on being a known loved child of God. 

Rachel was Licensed as Associate Vicar on Thursday 22nd July. You can watch the video of the service here.


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